Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Nelson DeMille, Night Fall

I read his Plum Island awhile back and really liked it. Hadn't gotten around to the second one and then heard about this one. I got both from the library and also recently read The Lion's Game, the second to feature John Corey, who is now a former NYPD homicide detective working for the FBI. Lion's Game was published and is set in 2000 and is about a chase for a Libyan terrorist whose family was killed in the 1980s when the US bombed Qadafi's camps and has grown up seeking revenge.

Warning: can't really talk about Night Fall without spoilers.

The new one, Night Fall, begins in July 2001 and wraps up on September 12, 2001. It deals with Corey and his new wife Kate, an FBI agent he met in the previous book, unofficially reopening the TWA 800 case. Corey is successful in proving that TWA 800 was shot down by a missile, and
he learns that the officials in charge would have also known (conspiracy theorist's dream plot here). He schedules a showdown meeting in the Windows of the World at 8:30am on September 11. He runs late, and luckily Kate waits for him in the lobby, but a whole host of FBI & CIA agents and NYPD officers, along with the two civilians and their videotape, the ones who could prove what all those eyewitnesses saw that terrible night, perish.

Can't wait to see what he comes up with next!