Friday, November 12, 2004

Nora Roberts, Northern Lights

As I don't care for romance novels, I don't usually seek out Nora Roberts. I tried the "In Death" series she writes as JD Robb and found it kind of silly, but last year sometime I had heard lots of good things about her book Birthright, which was being talked about as if it were a mystery, probably classed as "romantic suspense" but more of a mystery plot with some sex scenes than the In Death books, which seemed to me to be sex scenes with some plot....Anyway, Northern Lights is one of her newest ones, also in this romantic suspense/mystery category.

This one takes place in a little town called Lunacy, Alaska, where a Baltimore police detective named Nate has fled, escaping his failed marriage and problems on the job after his partner was killed. A man who was thought to have taken off voluntarily is found dead; he has been frozen solid in a cave rather than off avoiding his family for the last 16 years. When someone commits suicide and leaves a note claiming responsibility for the old murder, Nate is one of the few people who doesn't buy it. He of course solves the case, wins the girl, and all that. But it was an enjoyable read, with lots of quirky characters and snappy dialogue, and yes - it is a Nora Roberts, after all - some steamy sex scenes.


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